17 Oct 2011

When thinking just ain't enough

I've been thinking a lot about my future. About what am I gonna do with my life. What sorta thing that I would do to survive. What would be the most thing I wanna do to enjoy with my life.

Most of my day spent at workplace. Go home, tired and sleep. And the next day, repeat. Weekend come and could be good, or, the opposite. I shouldn't get bored if I could enjoy with that "most-time-of-my-day". But it happened. Again and again. I changed workplaces, projects, permanent-to-contract-to-permanent, still, I kept changing my mind. What am I gonna do next? At age 35 this year, I already declared that I started my mid-life crisis. Too early, so be it. Too late of thinking about changing career? I don't think so.

I am here starting something, one thing that I think, I would happy to do for the rest of my life. I am gonna change my work nature, instead of changing into different place. Now, without any target date (risk!), I'm setting up my mind to become a  dress-maker! A very moderate; just for my own satisfaction. To be come a creator.

Is it gonna my life upside down? Or, it'll be my greatest decision ever!

Ghee.. I am so optimist-blunt now. Errr... what am I saying?? I am designing my journey now...

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