24 Nov 2011

4 hours eh?

I really took my time to have the kick-off. Recently, well, last week actually, I went to Nagoya (fabric store) and browsing fabrics. Undecided what to purhase, or even don't know what to make for a start, I kept flipping, touching, feeling several fabrics. Until, I got confused with type of fabric. They look similar. Anyhow, finally, I bought a few metres of white fabric (not sure what type it is, of course). And, tonight, I started experimenting the sewing machine, the stiches, testing sewing it on fabric. Not really easy to handle actually, for a beginner like me. But the experiment drag me to 4 hours until I realized, it'a nearly 1am! Yikes! 

The all-white fabric that I bought..

I'm trying to make mini-pillowcase actually.. hehehe..

Tadaaa...the pillowcases!

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