30 Oct 2011

I got mine!

After almost a week browsing different types and price of sewing machine, yesterday, I finally bought one. How ironic, I bought it from my trainer. It's affordable, heavy and portable. User friendly? We'll see..

Now I have all the tools. All I need now, it's the kick-off, which, I'm not sure when. I have some idea on what to make. However, I haven't bought any fabric. Lame excuse, I know! *yawn...

Today, I feel slightly different when I was in the shopping mall. I started see things closer.. to clothes, of course. Used to be just staring from far, but now, I touch, feel the fabric and turn it back and around to see the stiches and cut-piece. I even wondering about the-making-of series.

And I wonder, what make a piece become so cheap but the other is crazy expensive.

My guess, it's the type of fabric (so called expensive material). Or, maybe because of the brand-thing. Or, maybe it was made by an established designer. Or, because it was worn before by people like Lady Diana. Or, maybe it because it was hand-made?


Man and machine. Really?

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