11 Apr 2012

Name Card and Photo Album

I compiled my beadwork - print the picture and put them into a photo album. I was thinking, these photo shall be my and other people's view and reference. Some of them really in not good quality of photo but that's all I have.

Sneak preview inside the photo album

The 1st photo album

Also, I created my own name card - for advertising, of course..heheh..

Name card - FRONT

Name card - BEHIND

.. sinarbusana@gmail.com
.. nasir yusoff

1) radi yusuf = nickname (so called designer)
- with email radiyusuf@gmail.com
- with blog http://radiyusufblog.blogspot.com/ (blogging the journey)

2) sinar busana = online boutique
- with email sinarbusana@gmail.com
- with blog http://sinarbusana.blogspot.com (more to photo collection)

.. nasiryusoff = my realname (owner of the two above)

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