11 Apr 2012

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung with Minimal Beadwork for Lil' Sis

This is my next homemade baju kurung pesak gantung. Purposely created for lil' sis (now in Kedah). I got the measurement from her recent baju kurung biasa. For this one, I finished it without trying put on her body.

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
Straight front look

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
From side

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
From the other side...

Beadwork on hand (end)

Minimal beadwork

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung

I put dokoh as accessories on the neck instead of beadwork. The dokoh purposely pin close to neck to have different look. Usually the main dokoh shall be lower (with provided chain). Anyway, this look best while she's not wearing tudung.

Now, I plan to sell accessories - and of course, I am very selective with the design, colour and everything.

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