4 Apr 2012

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung with Heavy Beadwork for Ms Aida-from-Wangsa Maju

And, here's the actual baju kurung for Ms Aida. I purposely choose shining-olive-colour because she don't have one. This is a Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung with Kain Selisih Belah (Dalam) - original design from herself.

Of course, beadwork needs to be done. I choose black pearl/beads (big and small size), add light green sequins and some other materials to compliment both colours - light green and black. With free-hair styling person, a heavy beadwork around the neck and chest is appropriate but minimum beadwork on hand (end).

Last night I went to hand over the clothes to her and she out it on. It was just nice (of course, after some alteration). A friend (or maybe a neighbour) suddenly came and saw Ms Aida wearing it. The girl look interested and asked about the cost of beadwork. Well, a sign of potential interest.

Anyway, I like Ms Aida wearing new color. Coinsidently (hope the spelling is correct), she got a kenduri this weekend to attend. Good timing... hehehe..

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
Overall look from straight-front

Heavy beadwork around the nect and chest

Minimum beadwork for hand (end)

Beadwork close-up

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
Overall look from side

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