2 Dec 2011

Tasting the water, taking a leap

Yesterday, I tendered my resignation letter as a senior executive after nearly 4 years with this big company. At age 35 this year, I've been working almost 14 years in several companies. I put the word "almost" because I was jobless more than a year some time ago. No regrets. Now, the jobless phase is coming, again. I resigned without any other promising job waiting because I am now trying to be a freelancer. My decision and I don't really care what other people think about me anyway. My freedom.

Well, of course, I asked myself - how is it gonna be? This could be a tragedy. And I'm all on my own now. Nervous, excited and worried. *finger crossed.

Thousands of thoughts flooding inside my head for months. Money issues, debt, daily expenses, including emotions. But most imporant thing now - what am I really wanna do next.

Bluntly, I went to the net, opening my mind searching for some ideas, guideline, tips, whatever; or anything. My findings, to have a job is compulsary to survive in this world. I was, really huh? From what I see, we divided into two big groups - one to aim millions of profit and the other group is purely to help other people. Or, should I add, group no.3 is the one who work for living - because everybody doing it.

I like having work to do - if only the things that I think I could contribute more. I hate doing things that I'm not good at - I'll suffer with it. So, for months, I've been  "negotiating" with myself, "What on earth am I gonna do with the rest of my life?"  Now, I'm deciding to have work that not just I love, but more to who I am, my character - that suit the requirement, style and sense. And to get paid from it, of course. It's more to.. urmm.. to be my own lifestyle.

The cliche from hobby-to-income really got me - since last year. I started receiving baju kurung from friends for sequin and beadwork - the fashion in, so to speak. Throughout the year even until today, I felt the satisfaction everytime I completed every and each baju kurung. I know I am so green in this but I have no intention to be a smartass. I'm just enjoying what I do now.

About a year ago, I took a one-day workshop to make a baju kurung. I made it but don't feel the excitement. It didn't take me anywhere. Couple of months ago, I took an intensive workshop to sew a baju kurung. I thought I want to start with baju melayu but couldn't wait to search other place. That one day workshop, I accomplished. And the next week, I bought a sewing machine. This crazy crush took me exploring new things that I never imagine I could involve or relate - sewing. And I think, I become a new person now.

Okay, so now, one side, I have blog. The other side, about to have a compilation of my beadwork and another side soon to be all about my homemade products.

Maybe I can sell things online.

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