5 Dec 2011

Hard work for lazy weekend. Anyone?

Last Saturday, finally, I made my very first tote bag. And immediately, started with the second piece. Half way, around 11pm, I felt tired. So I stopped. And went to bed, sleeping all night until the next morning.
The only one finished tote bag

Woke up and rushing to washroom, to “reduce” my stomach-ache. Felt relief. But, less an hour, I went in again. And again for the next hour. Whoaa.. I said to myself – “This will be not a good Sunday”. Instead of continuing the second piece, I just keep sketching design for the next piece. 

I know I should be more productive especially during the weekends – should be the one who work the hardest. I target to make at least 5 pieces of tote bags a week. This weekend I excused myself. Or, should I say that, the fact that the hardest worker is not necessarily the most successful rears its head before work even starts?

I was brought up with “…work hard, and you’ll get benefit from it”.  Well, I’m not sure if I could rely on that anymore.

If I have to work hard, say, 8 hours a day and completed the task and then comparing with 5 hours with quality output, sure I’ll get the benefit with the 3 extra hours and quality product. I maybe make the 8 hours worker sound desperate and not so productive. But is everybody loves doing their work for that 8 hours? I mean, all in every minutes of it? I bet, nobody does. People need break. I hate people who claim herself/himself as workaholic – as if they can’t stop working. And worst, maybe expecting other people to work as the way they do and maybe creating stress to others.

I know, in corporate environment, I have to work as what’ve been told, stated in contract, can’t always get what you want.. etc. etc. I’m just thinking, maybe, “The amount of time you work beyond 5 hours a day has no impact on your ability to obtain quality result?” Or, I could just be so wrong about this.

During my office work (so called corporate environment) I had my smoke break, pee break and sometimes I just went into the washroom and just sit on the toilet bowl and closed my eyes and breathe deeply.

So, if I have this lazy weekend, again, I know I should do something else. Even driving around with my car is also consider my clear-mind  therapy. Hehehe.. And surprisingly, sometimes. while I’m driving, I got a good idea!

Perhaps, I shall simply get “keep on working, the benefit with come..” in my mind.

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