11 Apr 2012

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung with Minimal Beadwork for Lil' Sis

This is my next homemade baju kurung pesak gantung. Purposely created for lil' sis (now in Kedah). I got the measurement from her recent baju kurung biasa. For this one, I finished it without trying put on her body.

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
Straight front look

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
From side

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
From the other side...

Beadwork on hand (end)

Minimal beadwork

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung

I put dokoh as accessories on the neck instead of beadwork. The dokoh purposely pin close to neck to have different look. Usually the main dokoh shall be lower (with provided chain). Anyway, this look best while she's not wearing tudung.

Now, I plan to sell accessories - and of course, I am very selective with the design, colour and everything.

Name Card and Photo Album

I compiled my beadwork - print the picture and put them into a photo album. I was thinking, these photo shall be my and other people's view and reference. Some of them really in not good quality of photo but that's all I have.

Sneak preview inside the photo album

The 1st photo album

Also, I created my own name card - for advertising, of course..heheh..

Name card - FRONT

Name card - BEHIND

.. sinarbusana@gmail.com
.. nasir yusoff

1) radi yusuf = nickname (so called designer)
- with email radiyusuf@gmail.com
- with blog http://radiyusufblog.blogspot.com/ (blogging the journey)

2) sinar busana = online boutique
- with email sinarbusana@gmail.com
- with blog http://sinarbusana.blogspot.com (more to photo collection)

.. nasiryusoff = my realname (owner of the two above)

4 Apr 2012

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung with Heavy Beadwork for Ms Aida-from-Wangsa Maju

And, here's the actual baju kurung for Ms Aida. I purposely choose shining-olive-colour because she don't have one. This is a Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung with Kain Selisih Belah (Dalam) - original design from herself.

Of course, beadwork needs to be done. I choose black pearl/beads (big and small size), add light green sequins and some other materials to compliment both colours - light green and black. With free-hair styling person, a heavy beadwork around the neck and chest is appropriate but minimum beadwork on hand (end).

Last night I went to hand over the clothes to her and she out it on. It was just nice (of course, after some alteration). A friend (or maybe a neighbour) suddenly came and saw Ms Aida wearing it. The girl look interested and asked about the cost of beadwork. Well, a sign of potential interest.

Anyway, I like Ms Aida wearing new color. Coinsidently (hope the spelling is correct), she got a kenduri this weekend to attend. Good timing... hehehe..

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
Overall look from straight-front

Heavy beadwork around the nect and chest

Minimum beadwork for hand (end)

Beadwork close-up

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
Overall look from side

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung with Minimal Beadwork for Sister

This is me next project - baju kurung for my sister with smoother fabric. At first, this clothes cut for Ms Aida-from-Wangsa Maju for my trial. Ms Aida gave me the sample baju kurung - it was Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung. This time, the kain style is slightly different. Usual style is kain susun tepi. But, this one is kain belah selisih.

Maybe the fabric (2 meters) for baju is not enough, or maybe I wrongly cut it. It turned out that it doesn't fit for Ms Aida. And no left over fabric to make adjustment. So, I proceed fit my sister's body size. And after my sister tried put it on, it fit nicely.

I asked my sister if she wants some beadwork to be done. She said yes, but with minimum beadwork. So, I just put a one-line-beadwork. Hope she'll like it.

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
Overall look from side

Minimum beadwork around the neck

Little beadwork on hand (end)

Baju Kurung Pesak Gantung
The overall look (straight-front)

22 Mar 2012

Beadwork: Baju kurung for my sister (now with beadwork)

I made an experiment making baju kurung for my sister. After she tried put it on, some adjustment to be done. Today, I finished it with some beadwork.. hehehe.. a simple one... Finally, she can own it. Awesome!

The overall look

Beadwork around the neck (beads and sequins)

And more beadwork on the hand (end)

20 Mar 2012

Baju Kurung: for Aida's mom (from Bagan Lalang)

First Baju Kurung Kedah for Aida's Mom

Second Baju Kurung Kedah for Aida's mom

I met Aida from Wangsa Maju. She gave me 2 different types of fabric to make baju kurung for her mom in Bagan Lalang - just the baju without kain - for her daily wear. Provided sample baju kurung, I made two at once. Still, a lot of improvement to be done. The neck is slightly bigger than the sample. The length or the arm just fit - need a little bit bigger. Anyway, I still call it as experiment. So, FOC for this "C" grade homemade baju kurung..huhuh... 

New job, again?

When I was in Kelantan, my boss ask me if I could move to his nearest new house. I said no. I told him I have lots of stuff - mostly, belong to my family as they park or dump their belongings into my second room. I would have trouble to pack and unpack. I know, to him, it's just one hard task - pack and unpack. The truth is, (I haven't tell him), that I have my main job - as a freelance beader/dressmaker-wanna-be. I have friends around my area. Easy access to almost anything I want - public transport, meal, banks, etc. Plus, I've been staying in the same place for more than 4 years - very comfortable, so to speak.

He said, maybe somewhere in Apr or May he'll move into his new house. Well, go ahead. Immediately, I start planning to search a new job - which have been almost a week now. Not easy. Basically, I have 2 months max to get a new job. I like being his Personal Assistant especially the flexible hours - where else can I find such work? Whatever it is, I have to prepare for new job as the bills never fail coming to be "entertained".


6 Mar 2012

Baju Kurung: for my sister

First baju kurung for my sister

I bought another piece of cheap fabric (cotton) to make a baju kurung for my sister. Compare to my mom, the body measure is slightly different. For my sister, I have some difficulties in calculation the waist and hip. But after she tried it on, it was a bit loose, which is OK.. Next, I plan to have some beadwork on this nice pink-colour baju kurung.

4 Mar 2012

Outstation: UTM Skudai and Taman Daya, Johor

A last minute call, on last Friday, my boss informed me to get ready to go to Johor. Quickie packing and hit the road from Tol Sg Besi at 4:00 PM to Jasin to fetch boss' friend. We all should be in UTM by 9 PM. I speed up laaa.. Thank God, the weather was good and we arrived at 8:00 PM.

Check-in into a VIP room. Awesome! The two share same room and I got one room! Woohoo!!

Before 9 PM we commenced the event and finished nearly 12 AM. I was too tired, so I slept. But the two, still talking.

The next morning, I woke up but the two still sleep. I watched TV until 11 AM, only then, they appeared. My boss said, they sleep at 5 AM. They went outside for McDonald's. Err.. whatever laaa..

I got my stuff pack as we have to check out. We next event will be in other place (in Taman Daya) at night. So, we walked around Skudai and had lunch at Plaza Angsana. And in the afternoon, we went to meet a friend (can't remember the place).

At night, went to the event and finished after 11 PM. Had late dinner - roti with curry - yummy! And, I hit the road at 12:30 AM going home. Stop in Jasin to drop friend's place and tea break. After 3:30 PM, back on the road to KL. Arrived home nearly 5:30 AM. Damn crazy sleepy. And I love my bed even more since.

2 Mar 2012

Birthday party in Wangsa Maju

I was almost forgot about the invitation to join a friend's sister birthday party. And because of that, I didn't buy any present. Later, I fetch my friends and went there. Five of us and we straight away went inside and grab the food - it's almost 9pm! Chit chat, TV, makan, gossip and all.. heheh.. Until we left, we stopped a a friend's house. Hot drinks, lepak, chit chat and all again.. I was so relax.. Tup tup, almost 2am! Drop my friends, and late night sleeping. Hope to meet my friends again.. I mean, face to face.