6 Dec 2011

Change of mind, again?

I should've finish the 2nd design of the tote bag. Instead, I just sat on the chair, thinking about making other stuff. Still, I want to incorporate with fabric, pattern and colours; and of course, anything that could relate with bridal-wedding thing.

2nd design of tote bag - unfinished

So I am considering to make goody/goodie bags for door giveaway. I was about to get myself ready to bed as it was almost midnight but I couldn't get my mind stop thinking. So I went to the desk. Clear things. Grab the fabric, measure and cut. Thought I just want to experiment it, I made 4 pieces of simple goody/goodie bags! Awesome! It looked good when all 4 "sit" closely side by side.

The 4 goodie bags created which are actually from the pillowcase.

First, I got the idea to make pillowcase. Next, the tote bags. And now, goody/goodie bags? And, and in this afternoon, while having lunch, I even considering to focus on put writings about wedding. Yeah, all bride-to-be-need-to-know kinda thing. And, that's so..."loud". Like, how, a single male trying to give advice to a bride-to-be? Duhhh... But, I maybe see things that other people don't see...

However, I was like, "What actually I want to make?"

Well, I am definitely so lost now. And shame! It's like, how am I gonna know what am I looking for? I'm getting a bit emotional today because I haven't make up my mind. And how am I gonna move forward from here? What do I need now?

Ok, enough with those "how"s. Here I come the motivation and big-big words. I think, what I need is that I need to have the right spirit, good willpower and to have a good philosophy in making my homemade product to be meaningful. It's like what I read from the net, "instead of work, make things become your lifestyle". I couldn't really understand it, but it sound true.

So, the pressure now, is launching my new homemade stuff to be publish on the net. Which I never done before - online selling. The stress comes from the packaging, fabric, design, pricing, delivery and getting to know the first customer. Well, I'm sure no one knows about my online selling yet. Even this blog seem un-noticed. Well, that's the way it is now.

Anyhow, I put target to launch my homemade product within this month. Although I am worried about the wrong decision of choosing homemade product, I really gotta try and find out what's gonna be.

Hmmm.. cold-turkey or commitment-shy?

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