9 Dec 2011

Life balancing it is

I met my friend this afternoon. Obviously, he wants to know what's really going on with me recently - suddenly, out of nowhere, quit my job? About 2 weeks ago, I did contact him - ask him to become one of my referee. Yes, I've prepare a down-graded resume. I told both my referees that I only would consider to work in clerical and administration area to back me up. I got no choice but to get them involved. These are dear friends to my heart.

So I told him, again. Same story as I explained in my email sent to them. I just want do things that I think I could do more - things that who I am. I told him about the story the day that I took a one-day beading class which only 3 years after the class, I touch again the beads. I made a simple bead for my sister. And I told him, that's the day I figured out that I am so into this thing. The feeling my work being noticed. Later, I started explore things that related which recommended by a friend to take a sewing class. And I did. Only then, I realized, I have this interest in making clothes, fabrics, patterns and cuttings.

And I shared with him about my plan in making women and men traditional clothes dreaming someday I could make fine and beautiful wedding clothes for the bride and the groom. I know it's a long way to go. As he agreed, I gotta to start anyway. I explained to him, I was surprised by myself, making baju kurung isn't easy as sewing it straight line all the way. You've got to measure it accurately which will reflect the outlook. Especially in women's asset area - there's a tricky calculation required. Maybe I am so new in making baju kurung which I find it a bit struggle to make a good one. But, knowing the wage is between RM30 to RM40 per piece is totally underestimated! It's not easy to handle expensive-smooth-silky fabric ok..! But when the instructor said she can make 5 piece per day; well, that's a real skill!

He then, sharing about his idea to do something else, during his weekend but still dare not to quit his current job even though he said he doesn't really like it. Well I can understand about his commitment. He did realize that when you're out of hand, high in demand, you need extra hand to help. It's where I thinkthat you must drop everything, take a long break from your day job and monitor this closely. It's peak and critical. And damn, I forgot to tell him about it, it's much much risky when you don't monitor it closely. I don't think people who has day job could focus if his/her other income is flooding in. I know people who did extra job this way and end-up tragically. Anyway, I told him to take a short class to try and find out what the skill set you really need actually. Say if like to be a freelance photographer, apparently, technical skill is required to make the art living. Plus, need to learn the language, it's vocab and perspective. Theory isn't enough, of course.

I've consider a lot of things to have a startup. I even considered to be
  • a homemade cookie maker - making good cookies. But I figured, my kitchen doesn't even have stove. I only have a microwave that I hardly use. I was thinking, to be so-called pastry chef, I gotto buy tools - a lot of it!  
  • a photographer. Changed my mind when I saw the price of that camera.
  • owner of dance-studio so that I could see people dance everyday and join the yoga class. Cancelled - need real money here.
I maybe a risk taker who seem willing to do things whatever I want to do, like, quit job just like that. Maybe other people can't see, I am also like other people who like to find satisfaction in everyday doings. I told him, "I rather quit my boring job and do other two jobs that I like to do". We all concern about not having enough money. It bothers everybody. As for me, now, I can say, it'll be just enough if I could by my debt and daily living - eventhough saving is crucial for raining day that'll come anytime.

He would maintain his lifestyle as it is but to have additional work during the weekends. I, myself, in the midst of figuring out the exact move on what kind of lifestyle I want to live in. Either to have a simple clerical/admin job which I assume to have less stress; and back home, doing my sewing projects, or, full time concentrating on design and improving and selling my sewing project.

Reality check, I need big fund if I want to be a full-freelance-self-employed.

So, I'm ready for bombing my resume now.

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